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  1. Ilaria Brandi

    Critique Welcomed Five shots from a Afga Optima 335

    Hi everyone! This is five shots I took with my fist real camera. I since got a new one I'm learning to use, so I thought I'd post some of my favorite old shots while I'm waiting on the first roll of film from the new camera being developed. Every advice is welcomed! I took this on a day trip to...
  2. Ilaria Brandi

    Instructions manual Nikon AE f801s

    Hi everyone! I just bought a Nikon AE f801s, it's my first "serious" camera (I have been shooting with an afga optima 335 before buying the nikon) and I wanted to learn well to use it but it came without instructions. Does anyone have/know where to find its instructions manual? Thanks for your help!