Recent content by Charlotte Ortelli

  1. Charlotte Ortelli

    I tried shooting Ektachrome on an Agfa Click ii

    I missed a few shots, as it has only an F8 or F11 toggle for exposure, some turned out okay!
  2. Charlotte Ortelli


    For this camera, just the onboard lightmeter, it's the EOS 650, quite a snazzy little camera.
  3. Charlotte Ortelli


    This photo actually turned out nothing like I expected. The reason was I accidentally developed for 24 degree times when it was actually 26 degrees in the room, so these are quite overdeveloped, a lot of the shots are completely fried, but this turned out quite well, somehow!
  4. Charlotte Ortelli


  5. Charlotte Ortelli

    New film simulation software

    Quite an interesting write up, most approach simulation through more simplistic color matching through color charts. Extremely impressive results so far, there are some very smart people in the photography community
  6. Charlotte Ortelli

    Just for Show A coffee too warm.

    Wow, growing your own coffee isn't easy, I'm impressed! I've started growing some basil, with tomatoes to come, maybe in a few months I can make one margherita pizza! 😏 How do farmers do it...
  7. Charlotte Ortelli

    agfa click ii hillside (featuring fomapan 100)

    Just a quick shot, in D76, the achromat lens creates some nice rendition!
  8. Charlotte Ortelli

    Roll of Lomo 800

    Lomo 800 is beautiful, especially in medium format. I believe its the Kodak Gold 800 that is inside the underwater disposable cameras they make
  9. Charlotte Ortelli

    This year's amaryllis

    Very good colouration!
  10. Charlotte Ortelli

    Processing film in hot climates

    Thanks for the comments, I ended up using some Ilfosol 3, I couldn't get the temp consistently around 20 degrees, best I could manage was 22. Processed Lomography Potsdam Kino as my first roll, funny choice, taking a little time off the 20 degree time (very unscientific), it went well...
  11. Charlotte Ortelli

    Winning IR Photography of 2024

    Always loved IR, with how much sun there is around here I've been wanting to give it a go myself. Some of those photos look very uncanny, good work to the photographers
  12. Charlotte Ortelli

    Just for Show A Brownie Reflex Diptych

    It was the non-working Brownie Reflex, yes indeed. I got it done at Walkens Film lab in Sydney, they do 127 film processing for the same price as 120!
  13. Charlotte Ortelli

    Fixing up an old Brownie in poor condition

    Your wish is my command
  14. Charlotte Ortelli

    Just for Show A Brownie Reflex Diptych

    It was a fat roll out of the factory, so the first shot was light burnt, but it still turned out nicely.
  15. Charlotte Ortelli

    The 50 Greatest Cameras of All Time

    Is there a particular reason the EOS 5D MII is number one? I'm not very familiar with digital camera history