Recent content by Jim Kuo

  1. Jim Kuo

    Calling Fuji X100 Users

    For me personally, 5D and X100 are very different tools which are suited for different styles of photography. X100 encourages me to zoom with my feet, get in close and shoot at F8 1/500s, which suits me quite well when shooting on the streets. But this may be a slight problem when you want to...
  2. Jim Kuo

    This Is A Proper Serious Question .....

    Just my 2 pence. X100(s) and 5D2 (or 550D) are very different tools. They obviously differ in physical attributes, like size, weight, focal ranges, and controls. These differences affect my photography in subtle but significant ways. The profile (size/weight) and focal range differences affect...
  3. Jim Kuo


    Thanks Pete :)
  4. Jim Kuo


    Haha, I was happily snapping away at the scene until he saw me, got up and walked away. This was at the moment of him getting up, hence the constipated posture :D. In post processing, I changed many aspects of lens corrections to make everything look straight. I clicked auto button on the tone...
  5. Jim Kuo


    Thanks for looking. Jim
  6. Jim Kuo


    Thanks Glenn for your praise. Just go out and shoot a lot, we ought to get lucky sometimes :)
  7. Jim Kuo


    Thanks Ralph. Shoot a lot helps :)
  8. Jim Kuo


    I set up my camera in a way that I can move quickly without having to linger longer than I need to, but I do try (more failure than success) to take my time to compose anyway. One other thing I find helpful is that I look beyond or above the human subjects when I frame the shot. However, I...
  9. Jim Kuo


    Thanks everyone for the kind words :) I don't think I startled anyone, but I am not sure whether that is attributed to my stealth ninja move or no body really cared. ;)
  10. Jim Kuo


    Thanks for looking. Jim
  11. Jim Kuo

    Washing Chores

    Thanks for the nice words. I am glad to know you guys also find this amusing :)
  12. Jim Kuo

    Washing Chores

    Thanks guys :) This was in the festival that celebrated the opening of the new King's Cross Square. Apparently, the party had a Victorian theme, there were people in costumes and fake market stalls (selling pretended Victorian time produces). It was quite amusing.
  13. Jim Kuo

    Dancing With Pigeons

    Nice one!
  14. Jim Kuo

    Washing Chores

    Thanks for looking. Jim
  15. Jim Kuo


    Thanks! I wasn't away or anything. My keeper rate is usually extremely low, thus I rarely have stuff worth posting. I am glad that you guys like this one :)