Recent content by Julian Tanase

  1. Julian Tanase

    Blair Witch Project

    Leica IIIf, Fomapan 200
  2. Julian Tanase

    Wisdom of a Bonsai

    Nikon FM3a, Rollei 80s.
  3. Julian Tanase

    Spring, sun and shapes

    Weather has improved really great, some 20*C down here. Mornings are still chill, but by lunch time the sun is warming a treat. As it's Saturday, got some time to walk the small island we have here on the Bistritza river. This time of year, the swans and ducks and whatnot are flocking to enjoy...
  4. Julian Tanase

    Old Stuff - 2

    I can't really say why, but the first though that crossed my mind when seeing this was "cinematesque". Probably because it resembles the scene where the RAF is raising those barrage balloons in the Battle of Britain movie, the 1969 one. At least I believe this was the movie I saw the scenes...
  5. Julian Tanase

    The bridge, the river, the tree

    I have finished the last roll of Svema Foto 400, out of 10 rolls bought a couple of years back or so. I can't say I'm really disappointed in this film, but with this emulsion over and done with, more of a sigh of relief. Finnicky, stupidly thin base, a nightmare to work it on the dev reel, and...
  6. Julian Tanase

    Gritty city #26

    Thank you, Beth!
  7. Julian Tanase

    Gritty city #26

    Gianluca, you're right, it's hard to get a feeling of what the series is about, without seeing the entire series. The "Gritty City" series is not online, as it is not ready yet. Most of the photographs are in the early phase. This series is something that will be exhibited in my home town later...
  8. Julian Tanase

    Gritty city #26

    Nikon F3, Kodak Gold 200
  9. Julian Tanase

    Last dream before awakening

    Evocative and eerie, Gianluca !!
  10. Julian Tanase

    When nothingness stares back

    This is what I learned, about the statue: "Mozart and Archbishops united in art In 1999, Prague artist Anna Chromy created her Pietá, a very popular and highly photographed sculpture. She was commissioned to do so by Archbishop Georg Eder, drawing inspiration from Mozart’s “Don Giovanni” and...
  11. Julian Tanase

    When nothingness stares back

    Gianluca, to be honest, no. I was drawn to this photograph because of the almost hypnotic feeling one has when looking deep into that blackness. An eerie feeling, really. Almost like staring at our own mortality, and it stares back at us.
  12. Julian Tanase

    When nothingness stares back

    Nikon FM3a, Kodak Tri-X 400
  13. Julian Tanase

    Minox time

    This negative was developed in Pyro 517 for 8 mins. Re de-noise processing, I do not use it, because using one such software would make things worse, in my opinion. It destroys the acuity, I guess.
  14. Julian Tanase

    Minox time

    Can't really answer that, Gary. It's a hush-hush thing, nose tapping and all that.
  15. Julian Tanase

    Minox time

    Thank you, Beth; that building (with the truck) is owned by a medical company now.