Recent content by Laurence Cremetti

  1. L


    I'm actually working in Edinburgh next year. Maybe we'll all meet.
  2. L


    Forget it. I have better things to do.
  3. L


    You are a surprising man. You tell me that I need to look at my creativity, tell me I'm wrong, and then say I'm Getting personal". I'm happy to meet you face to face to see why I obviously offend you. Perhaps I'll understand you if we meet. Maybe I'll find out what a really nice guy you are...
  4. L


    No Challenge Should Be Faced Without A Little Charm And A Lot Of Style Where's your charm gone?
  5. L

    Risk assessment

    Hello Dan! That'd be good. I'm here: Home Le Bel Artist fine artstudio chipping campden
  6. L

    Still Life Continues

    Yup, number 2 for me, too!
  7. L


    Heavy gear is a burden to creativity.
  8. L

    Risk assessment

    Because I have an exhibition starting tomorrow evening for 2 weeks, and thought we might meet.
  9. L

    Risk assessment

    Hi Hamish!! I'd better not say who, but I will tell you that I'm in my third year shooting the events for this organisation. Suddenly, a change of management has meant a change in policy. Also, Public Liability is now requested at 5 million. Previously, 1 was enough. Red tape. Great. Btw, you...
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    Risk assessment

    Folks, I need a good but basic risk assessment template to submit to an event client. Since I dont use tripods, mains power etc at this type of event, I never use a risk assessment, nor have I ever been asked for one, until now. Anyone know of a suitable event photography RA template, please?
  11. L

    Critiques: The case of the stuck brain.

    My grandfather used to use me as a rack for drying his sweaty socks after working in the slaughter house with leaky wellingtons. Do you think that may be significant?
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    who would you invite?

    Where is it?
  13. L

    Critiques: The case of the stuck brain.

    I like to receive comments and critique, I suppose we all do. I know what I like in an image too. BUT, When asked for a critique, or browsing the critique section, I get nowhere. I see pictures I like, and some that I'm not so keen on, and say nothing!:o It's always as though I can't feel ...
  14. L


    I'm useless at critiques, so can I just register how much I like this? :)