Recent content by Stefan Wilde

  1. Stefan Wilde

    Critique Welcomed Excursions with my EXA

    HMS Victory is a splendid idea, I have been there the day before I met both Peter and Robert... He will know what I allude to. Anyway, HMS Victory is undergoing a much needed deep rebuild / restoration. It is today scheduled to be completed in 15 years, if I am not mistaking. Photographically...
  2. Stefan Wilde

    Critique Welcomed Excursions with my EXA

    Dear Peter, my better half and I have just returned from our trip and I'd just like to say how delightful and precious it was to see you! Also looking forward to the one shot story!
  3. Stefan Wilde

    Anzac Day: 25th April

    Those pictures capture the atmosphere extremely well. Thank you.
  4. Stefan Wilde

    Anzac Day: 25th April

    I am impressed by your wife's achievement! I know very little Brecht and am not very well versed in literature at all. However, I read Remarqu and he has given a powerful account of the experience of a generation. He is on one side of the spectrum of the German post war literature, yet there...
  5. Stefan Wilde

    Anzac Day: 25th April

  6. Stefan Wilde

    Anzac Day: 25th April

    Sorry, will go back to English immediately! I just thought I'd use German to underscore how supposed enemies can find themselves feeling much alike, no matter the language or the culture.
  7. Stefan Wilde

    Anzac Day: 25th April

    Yes, those are powerful words. They all express how a human life seems to be a negligible quantity to those who plunge nations into war. There is no respect or appreciation, let alone awe for the preciousness of each single life, all the effort, care, hope and love that goes into raising each...
  8. Stefan Wilde

    Anzac Day: 25th April

    Yes, the last sentence of All Quiet On The Western Front.
  9. Stefan Wilde

    Anzac Day: 25th April

    Er fiel im Oktober 1918, an einem Tag, der so ruhig und still war an der ganzen Front, dass der Heeresbericht sich nur auf den Satz beschränkte, im Westen sei nichts Neues zu melden.
  10. Stefan Wilde

    Mystery camera?

    But now that I come to think of it...
  11. Stefan Wilde

    Mystery camera?

    Absolutely. The Alpa is the clostest thing to the mystery camera very much like Alpha Centauri is the closest sun outside our solar system. The resemblance is limited to the unusual configuration of an alleged pentaprism hump and a viewfinder window. That is a peculiar setup that I haven´t seen...
  12. Stefan Wilde

    Finding Nemo Frozen

    I agree with Brian, excellent spotting! It´s funny how we see faces and shapes in all sorts of objects, sometimes in linoleum floors, even in wallpaper structures. Or in ice. Or here...
  13. Stefan Wilde

    Mystery camera?

    SNAP! I´m only afraid these things send you down a very deep and excessively costly rabbit hole.
  14. Stefan Wilde


    Lovely shot! The colors, the mood and the angle. The angle somehow makes this geometrically more pleasing, more dynamic. I got the impression an entire city was riding huge wave. Still, I tilted my head all the time while looking at it. I´ll see my orthopedist about it first thing in the morning...