I am an 85 year old retired architect and long time amateur photographer, having belonged to clubs and postal folios most of that time. I think I took my first photos in the early 1950s. I retired in 2001 and moved out to New Zealand from the UK with my wife in order to be closer to our two daughters, both living in Dunedin at the time.
I began writing about photographic subjects with an article in Amateur Photographer followed by some others, now defunct, before leaving the UK. I joined the New Zealand Photographic Society and eventually became editor of their news sheet for five years. House building and improvements intervened for a few years before I started writing again with a few things published on the Emulsive web site and currently on 35mmc, which led me here.
My equipment was mainly TLR, Minolta and Nikon base pre-digital. I did my own mono and colour processing and printing upto the 1990s when I sold my darkroom gear and moved via hybrid to fully digital. Nowadays I mostly use digital to illustrate articles and my phone is more and more my snapshot camera. I gave up large format when my back could no longer take the strain and now I shoot 120, 35mm and 16mm, subminiature and 110, mostly mono with the occasional C41 colour neg, trade processed. Rodinal is my only developer because it is so flexible and economical, and just keeps and keeps.