Recent content by Wes Hall

  1. Wes Hall

    Winning IR Photography of 2024

    That second place snow landscape is very impressive! If anyone on here doesn’t know, Sigmas earlier Foveon dslrs make excellent IR digital without modification- I bought one partly for that reason as IR photography piqued my curiosity. And with a suitable filter, the Nikon D2H captures IR with...
  2. Wes Hall

    Gritty city #26

    A scene that feels of the same time as the camera that captured it and before. Good luck with the eventual exhibition Julian- there’s clearly a human story in the works.
  3. Wes Hall

    Fuji and Me ... Just Walkin' Around - 5

    No.1 has some magic in the colour and bokeh Gary (excuse the multiple post comments- catching up)
  4. Wes Hall

    Fuji and Me ... Just Walkin' Around - 8

    I most likely missed an early thread, but presumably not in the UK right? I like this kind of structural scene, and it’s not a setting I have access to locally.
  5. Wes Hall

    Today's storm, and getting to grips with an elderly Nikon D50

    Nice to see the saturation of colour on older Nikon sensors- be fun to see what you find works as subjects with it. My old D2H was surprisingly great with sunny days and portraits and buildings- the resolution never felt lacking with isolated subjects.
  6. Wes Hall

    Critique Welcomed Fujicron just entered my vocabulary

    Time has been running away from me post festive season 2024 and I’ve remained grateful for my photography hobby keeping me relaxed around life’s pressures. My nearest and dearest have both started shooting Fuji systems, albeit with adapted manual glass we collectively own- and well, I didn’t...
  7. Wes Hall

    Fuji and Me ... Just Walkin' Around - 2

    Thanks for the opinion Gary, I’m just starting out with a Fuji lens of my own (XF 16mm 2.8f) and coming from a Pentax K-S1 and Foveon systems I’m impressed at the file flexibility for iso range. Time to start a new thread of my own!
  8. Wes Hall

    Fuji and Me ... Just Walkin' Around - 2

    I didn’t realise, though have since looked into the Touit line and wow, some very nice glass there!
  9. Wes Hall

    Fuji and Me ... Just Walkin' Around - 2

    The sensor on the early Fujis really does justice with warm pastels- how you liking the adapted lenses?
  10. Wes Hall

    Anyone try Substack?

    Just had a quick look at your page Paul, reminds me of the older style personal sites and a little of what the articles are on 35mmc. Cool musings
  11. Wes Hall

    Critique Welcomed A Blog - COTiP (Cleaning Out The iPhone)

    Beautiful bush and it’s namesake
  12. Wes Hall

    Just for Show A coffee too warm.

    After some time away from the RPF due to a phone replacement and too much going on, it’s warming like a good cup o’ Joe to see this thread. Must brew up and look to share a pic.
  13. Wes Hall


    Oh so late to this, but congratulations Rob, may you and your family have a fantastic festive period to savor.
  14. Wes Hall


    Rich colours to someones tragedy Ivar, the reflections are striking.
  15. Wes Hall

    Who are you, real photographer?

    Oooo I'm probably something of #8 & 10 😅 but I can be somewhat sporadic in my posts and engagement. Nice bit of fun 👌