kansas city

  1. Brian Moore

    Critique Welcomed The Bloch Building

    This is at the Nelson-Adkins Museum in Kansas City, Missouri. It's named after one of the museum's benefactors I believe. Sigma DP1M(cKillop)
  2. Brian Moore

    Critique Welcomed The Bloch Building at the Nelson-Atkins Museum

    This is in Kansas City. The Nelson Atkins Museum has been around a long time, but the Bloch building only since 2007. Wonderful Museum. Sigma DP1 Merrill.
  3. Brian Moore

    A Tale of Two Halves

    A while back I posted an image of the Kauffman Center for the Performing Arts in Kansas City. Here's a link to my original post: http://www.realphotographersforum.com/forum/threads/the-kauffman-center-for-the-performing-arts.23913/ Well,...here is the other side of the building. In football...
  4. Brian Moore

    Critique Welcomed The Kauffman Center for the Performing Arts

    Visited Kansas City earlier this week and from my hotel room I could see in the distance an interesting armadillo-like, humped shell of a building. Made my way over to it later in the day and found that it is the Kauffman Center for the Performing Arts.