2 & a quarter slide

Peter McCullough

Well-Known Member
Hi all,

I've a 2 and a quarter by 2 and a quarter (square) mounted slide shot at least 25yrs ago, so how do I go about getting a print from this, anyone any ideas please...?

From memory I think a negative has to be made from it, then printed from that if I'm right.....(?).

Are there any places in Scotland I wonder that can provide this service, maybe Rob could shine a light at all...? Or UK based, any experience appreciated!

Same as this link;

central Scotland
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Peter if you had a film scanner that could scan medium format you could simply scan it and then have it printed. It occurs to me, though, that you shoot digital so you probably don't have a scanner.

I'd find a good photo shop--I'm guessing there would be one in Stirling, which I think is near where you are. I'm sure they'd be able to help.
There are two ways. You can either get a direct print done using a process like Cibachrome (rare these days) or have it scanned and then printed. 2 1/4" square is 6x6 and there should be a few places around that can do it. If you can't find anyone, I can scan the slide for you and give you a TIFF file to get printed. I'll be back in the UK next week and back again in Germany (where the film scanner is) at the end of July.

The folks you are thinking of trying for developing slides should be able to do it Rob.

Wait,...it's not a glass lantern slide is it? (I'm guessing not since it doesn't seem to be that old--only 25 years or so by your estimate. Just thought I'd ask, though.)
Cyanotype :D

Or what you can do is use a DSLR shooting on RAW, put up a plain white screen on a monitor and shoot that as a backlight, works the same as photographing film negatives if you don't have a scanner.