2 Quid DIY Neutral Density Filter Experiment

Hamish Gill

Tech Support (and Marketing)
Ive read about ND faders recently on DPR, the price of them nearly made my eyes pop out of my head.
We then had a bit of a discussion about 10 stop ND filters here on RPF http://www.realphotographersforum.com/general-discussion/2875-10-stop-nd-filter-5.html.
Eventually my brain kicked into order and i remembered I had read about making a fader out of 2 polarisers and found this tutorial here Simple Variable Neutral Density Filter
I followed it with a pair of second hand 49mm CPL's that i picked up for £1 each from my local 'London Camera Exchange'


After following the instructions I ended up with what seemed to be an effective ND Fader



I put some melt glue around the edge of the first filter to stop it from rotating and fitter it to my x100


This morning I got to work, set up the x100 on top of a pair of mugs (excuse crap iPhone piccy)


And with my trusty Nikon AR-3 cable release (found in a box of stuff a few weeks ago still sealed in its original box:)) I took a photo
The camera was set to bulb f2 iso200 ... I let it take a 28sec exposure

It seems my home made filter makes things somewhat blue


so, in lightroom i went to camera calibration and under "blue Primary" i dropped the saturation to 0


I then adjusted the white balance to see what sort of colour i could pull out of the image


not a great deal ...
At this stage it seemed appropriate to switch to black and white and tweak a bit
this was the result


My conclusion is basically that doing things this cheap way will only give images vaguely suitable for mono conversion!
That said, I have read that using a Linear polariser and and circular polariser (instead of cpl+cpl) can reap better results ...
but for £2 this is quite a nice effect, and certainly not achievable without this level of ND on the lens.
Overall, im quite pleased and intend to experiment with this quite a lot!
The nice thing about using it with the x100 is that i can still use the VF to frame once the ND and focus are set!
Great stuff there Hamish, good experiment.
That's opened a few options. :)
I think you will always get a colour cast when using multiple budget filters, but if you are willing to spend a little time tweaking then they are worth experimenting with IMO. I couldn't justify big bucks for something that stays in the bag most of the time, If I were using daily then its a different matter, and with experimentation comes innovation and surprises....Remember Man Ray and his accidental discovery of 'solarisation'? He then went on to perfect the technique....

Good Experiment Hamish
I'm quite happy with this as an odd occasional use filter... and to be honest, most things i would use it for wouldnt suffer from being black and white!

I shall tinker more though I think ... and i might make a bigger one for my 24-70 etc should i feel the need for one, and maybe even try and get some higher quality glass to do it!
For now though i am happy to have satisfied my intrigue ... Now to find a way to put it to use...

I actually quite like the test photo, its not an effect i have seen before, although i suspect this sort of thing has been done before, its quite pleasing to have achieved a look to an image I haven't previously witnessed!

Some street shots next i think :)

edit ... looking back at it again, i quite like the cast in the third image, i imagine under certain circumstances that being quite a nicce effect