A Kelpie...

Douglas McMann

Well-Known Member
I have to admit to having been a "Kelpie Virgin" until recently...I just didn't see the pull to visit a piece of sculptural art adjacent to a very busy motorway and endure crowds of noisy folk, all trying to get the best selfies they could, as they munched into burgers purchased from the nearby vendor....

However, on a certain level, the Kelpies themselves have something quite magical about them...

I may return...

Echo the great beasts that work among us
unbridled in this kingdom between canal and firth
here to harness the river
and carry each weary traveller
Bow down your strong heads to taste the water
Stretch up your long necks to face the sun

Jim Carruth

Stretch up your long necks... by Douglas McMann, on Flickr
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