A2 level Update

Lauren Hunt

Active Member
Really haven't been on for a while. Here's an update on my portfolio for my second alevel year. Basically, we could choose a subject, so I chose wildlife.
So hows it coming along then grades wise etc? All good?

I love the golillas really animated expressions, what's the backdrop? It almost looks like there is a texture aplied?
Really good b&w, great tones and lighting IMO!
Difficult subject choice for here in England!
Grade wise, Yeah alls good. I'm finding it difficult with the experimental part of the exam, but I've got a few ideas.
And Yes, I've been using textures. There's a guy on Flickr called Dirk Wyst (something like that). He has an album of free textures, so everyone in my class uses him.
Yes, difficult choice, but I'm visiting a lot of zoos!
Sounds like a link worth sharing with us ;)

Sounds like a good reason to go to the zoo if nothing else ;)

Good news that it's going well!

In what way are you struggling with the experimental bit? Maybe we can help?
Another person Lauren to try and find out for textures on Flickr is Lenabem=anna like Dirk has a file full of textures which she has developed. Some of Dirk's and Anna's might be repeated as they do share them between each other both are on my contact list on there here is a link to Anna's photostream where you will find all Anna's textures

Flickr: Lenabem-Anna's Photostream
I think its that look of intense concentration in #2 that make that such a good shot. Its something more than just a picture of a Gorilla.