Another High Key Experiment

Paul Lange

Some of you may remember a previous post: Last weekend I experimented some more but this time with a studio flash. Oddly it turns out that I preferred the results using my speedflash, the opposite to what I expected. The set up is quite simple and consists of draping while sheets over the subject so only some of them is visible and preferably so that the sheet is draped more like a tent. The flash is pointed so that the sheet as like a diffuser.

I like the ambiguity but I do wonder if I have gone a bit too far. I can see recognise a foot in the image but is that just because I know it is there?

by Paul R Lange, on Flickr
Like this alot Paul, abiguity can also stimulate thought and conversation , something often used in art. It can mean different things to deffernt people. A good thing I think. it allows the viewer to have a greater participation. I dont think you have gone to far and the execution is superb.
I certainly don't think you have gone too far Paul. I could see the foot before I read your text (maybe I was expecting it) and I like the way one needs to study the image more intensely than normal to understand it (I mean that in a good way). Julian's point is good too. There is some ambiguity in the image. Get that chloroform out! ;)