Julian de'Courcy
Well-Known Member
Used Raw Therapee the other day as one does from time to time
in the hope that magic will happen using some other raw converter. As a freebee it is fantastic, fitting onto windows nicely now. This was posted earlier but quite liked the rendition from Therapee. Trouble is I have tried to replicate this look with other pics and it has not , or I have not arrive at the same results. I quite like the softness yet clarity in this version and this practice I have learnt again how much a tweak here and a tweak there can change the same image from one thing to something very different. Of course from this site I have had it drilled that cropping is important also
naming no names. many thanks though as it has brought it more to the conscious when trying to create something passable, as a photographic image.

BEE by JuliandeCourcy, on Flickr

BEE by JuliandeCourcy, on Flickr
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