Julian de'Courcy

Well-Known Member
Used Raw Therapee the other day as one does from time to time :D in the hope that magic will happen using some other raw converter. As a freebee it is fantastic, fitting onto windows nicely now. This was posted earlier but quite liked the rendition from Therapee. Trouble is I have tried to replicate this look with other pics and it has not , or I have not arrive at the same results. I quite like the softness yet clarity in this version and this practice I have learnt again how much a tweak here and a tweak there can change the same image from one thing to something very different. Of course from this site I have had it drilled that cropping is important also:D naming no names. many thanks though as it has brought it more to the conscious when trying to create something passable, as a photographic image.

BEE by JuliandeCourcy, on Flickr
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I still love those bees! :)

I've fallen in love with Bees. Being so close for some time over the last week or so, being inches from them and quite a few at a time, watching them busying themselves, popping in and out and onto flowers, buzzing pass me, taking no heed as if I am of no consequence. In fact they are nicer than most of the people walking past, who constantly complain about a photographer taking up the path ;) even when there is another path to use. I don't hear the grumbles from the bees that I hear from behind. So yes as a rule I prefer bees. there are exceptions as always :D