It seems the GR1v's are the ones that really demand the money, I will buy one one day, but like you say they are not cheap, and I definitely agree with your concerns. I bought a silver 'v' that had a duff screen. It was then that I was turned on to idea of the klasse.
You can get plain GR1's in silver for about £100-£150 if you are persistent. Or if you are lucky and don't mind doing a bit of a repaire job (like me), cheaper still! Sometimes it's nice to have something a bit newer though eh?
lightmeter... Weston master v, iv or euro master. The master V is a think of beauty and can be had for £35-£50. Look fr one with an 'invacone' for incident readings. The cone should be pearly white, I have seen some look a little yellow, that's not right!
... Just found this
Weston Master V Light meter For Sale
im very tempted my self!