Art Exhibition

Rob MacKillop

Edinburgh Correspondent
Rhona is leaving school soon, and tonight was the 6th-Year Art Exhibition. The school asked for two of her works for their Permanent Exhibition. Well done, lass!

[Apologies for the Proud Dad Indulgence!]

Artist 2
by RobMacKillop, on Flickr

Left to Right: Pineapple, Tomato, Flowers. Developed from macro photography. White pencil on coloured paper.

Triptych Pineapple Tomato Flowers_edited-1
by RobMacKillop, on Flickr

Theme: Urban Garden...

Urban Garden 2
by RobMacKillop, on Flickr

With photos:

Urban Garden Final
by RobMacKillop, on Flickr

Orchids - showing work in progress, and unfinished, deliberately so...

by RobMacKillop, on Flickr

Artist 1
by RobMacKillop, on Flickr

Brass Etching of a Leaf:

Brass Etching Leaf 2
by RobMacKillop, on Flickr

Rhona sepia
by RobMacKillop, on Flickr

Rhona 2
by RobMacKillop, on Flickr
A lovely way to finish off the secondary school life. Great work too. Well done Rhona; my heart goes out to young people starting out today.
A far cry from when I finished secondary; relief to be out the gate and away from terror of the Christian Brothers and not having a clue about what awaited us.
Thanks, Paul. Last summer, Rhona did a Certificate in Botanical Art, which is about the same as an A Level, which she passed with a Distinction. There is a two-year Diploma in the same, but it inevitably raised the question of what job prospects there are with such a thing. Most of the people on the course were retired women. So, a Certificate was enough for Rhona, and she'll be utilising some of the skills she learned in Interior Design. She also won the school prize for Technical Drawing, so detail is her thing.
She has every right to be proud and the proud father comes without saying. There I said it. Honestly a great talent if I've seen one. Wonder why the mother isn't mentioned here;), talents and looks as far as I see it comes from both sides I believe. All the best for her in the future.