At the San Diego Zoo today

Darren Bradley

Well-Known Member
We made eye contact...

5D2 - 70-200mm @200mm - f3.2 - ISO 200 - 0.004 second exposure - hand-held
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Thanks. Our former President/CEO at my company was obsessed with meerkats and decided to turn them into our company mascot. I even got a little meerkat statuette trophy thing for winning a contract once. But once he left the company, the new President has quietly retired the little rodents back to the zoo. :)
That meerkat is after your camera - watch out! LOL

Agree with Hamish - great lighting on this one
Took my daughter to the zoo again and couldn't resist another shot at these little guys:

They were fascinated by a feather she was holding and followed her every move. They came over to me to get a closer look so I was completely on top of them to get this shot (50mm @f1.4).
Saw this on your Flickr feed, and had SWMBO going ahhhhhh in seconds! - Great angle and DOF :)
Really like the first one a bunch. Exposure focus and composition
are great but ohh the light - what wonderful light.
Well done !