Aysgarth Falls

Lesley Jones

Otherwise know as Zooey
I'm not having a brilliant day. We found one of our dear little jill ferrets dead in their room this morning. We have a couple with long standing problems, but she wasn't one of them. She was a good age, but was in great condition and still fairly playful. It looks as though she had gone in their 10 metre "builder's rubble tube", fallen asleep and just didn't wake up. :(

Then we had to take Purdy cat to the local vet for blood tests so she can continue to get her chemo from the specialist in Newmarket. She has survived for nearly 7 years with a brain tumour and has had several major and minor operations. On the last trip up there we found the tumour was now inoperable and they gave her a couple more weeks. That was four months ago and although she continues to do well, the stress is getting to me - my fault, I know.

So I'm going to bury myself in Photoshop for a bit, but before I go, here's one I prepared earlier. I had been to Aysgarth a couple of times before, but I have never seen it as powerful as last October. As normal, it was the colour of tea which is why I have given it a very subtle tone...

Sorry to hear about the loss / problems. I don't know how you do it. But keep it up anyway.

What a wonderful churning mass of water! Were you not tempted to crop in either further and produce an even more abstract scene - not that this isn't a stunning shot as it is (I'm just a blur junkie!).
Bad news about the critters :(

Good shot - Aysgarth is a great place! Dod you visit the Wensleydale Creamery at Hawes? Mmmm.... Cheeeeeeese!
Crop - is that a foreign word Pete? You know I can't cope with concepts like that! :D

Dave - I stayed at a B&B in Hawes literally yards from the Creamery. Unfortunately I was on the road before dawn every morning. I already have permission from the B&B in the Peak District to set out while it is still dark this September. I only have three days and I don't intend to miss a single sunrise or sunset :)