Rob me is a wee blootered seeing as the end of world is nigh
Rob as someone who also has little self belief, and as something i do as part of my work (to try to repair shattered self belief),
the thing i value most as do others i have encountered (who are similar) is gentle straight talking.
From looking at these photos, the following i sense are intrinsically you.
Spooked, Enlightened reading, Susan Sleeping, Dark Spring, Gull at Crammond, Abstract Leaf Figure, Crammond 4, Crammond2, Crammond1, Lute1, Rhona, Art & Light, Susan Reflecting on Paxton, Rhona Glowing in Sepia.
The others i feel are interesting, fun. Yet it is the intrinsic in us i feel that has that "lightness of being" as it were.