Ballad of the Fox and the Swans

Thanks, lads. I probably could, Pete, and will return to it later. I forgot to mention a yellow filter on the camera.

Talk about getting lucky. I'd been facing the opposite direction, and just turned round to see the fox just about to step onto the walkway. I had the camera at the ready, so had two or three seconds to time the shot. I never noticed the guys on the hill - their positioning is perfect. Oddly, I never took another shot - I just watched the scene unfold. Maybe with digital I would have been snapping away like crazy. But nothing much happened. They hissed and spat at the fox, and it reversed and ran away. I've seen a fox in our street about twenty times in ten years, but have never had a camera with me at the time.
A cracking situation Rob and a lucky moment. I'm sure you can get more darker colour out of the jetty Rob, from the already negative you have.