BBC 4 - Thursday 9:00pm Rankin on Life

I have no ideas TBH Hamish, guess he was just in the right place at the right time, probably studying at London and going out there at a time when photography was something of an enigma. Lets not forget he dropped out of Brighton College because he wanted to pursue his 'passion' met someone else who sort of shared it and as they say the rest is history.
He was setting out in a time when I think analogue and digital was walking side by side and perhaps he had the foresight many didn't.

Rankin must have had some money behind him to start with and I'm sure a great desire, but personally I don't there is anything that makes him stand out over others and that includes those others who have not made it...............just lucky maybe.

If you are honest and critique yourself seriously can you say, honestly, that you haven't produced something that couldn't stand up there side by side with anything he has done??

I've always said that to be a great photographer you need three things, Money, Luck and more money............
I have to say I bought a book of some of his images a few years ago and was rather disappointed. Having said that he has created quite a few very good portraits. OK, often of famous people (although his open studio project was interesting) but I think what makes him one of the big names is probably his personality and ability to get his posers to give that extra bit more. I once saw a documentary on him working and that impressed be more.