Aaron Quinn
Well-Known Member
Hello all,
For about the last 7 or 8 months I have been so tied up with life I have not had the time to even visit the forum, much less post anything. Things are starting to slow down and I'm starting to be able to catch a breath.
Late last year my wife started having complications with her pregnancy, a pregnancy that was not easy to come by. Lots of specialist Dr visits, tons of medical drugs for both of us and a bank account draining experience and complications were not what we wanted.
On January 11th I rushed home from work at 11 at night to take her to the emergency room. She was admitted right away and talk of emergency c-section started almost immediately. It turned to "Lets have you rest and we'll double check things in the morning". We were told "You will have this baby early, tomorrow or 3 months from now, we don't know but you are hospitalized until she is delivered." My wife and the baby were able to hold out for 10 more days when she gave birth to our baby girl Raelyn Mae. She was 3 months early and weighed just 2 pounds 1/2 ounce. She spent her first 3 weeks in a preemie isolette under billy ruben lights and hooked up to an oxygen mask and we were not able to even touch her for the first 3 days. She eventually was able to move from the mask to normal oxygen tubing with a cannula and we were able to hold her skin to skin for hours at a time.
She spent just over 3 months in the NICU but this last Saturday we were able to bring her home, finally. She is in fantastic health and only needs the lowest setting of oxygen for a couple of weeks.
Birthing room
There she is in all her feisty-ness
Oxygen mask and just plane small
In her isolette
Beautiful momma finally able to hold our daughter
Lots of this
My two daughters (16 years difference)
3+ months later we finally get to take her home
And the enjoyment of times like these
Baby & Momma
For about the last 7 or 8 months I have been so tied up with life I have not had the time to even visit the forum, much less post anything. Things are starting to slow down and I'm starting to be able to catch a breath.
Late last year my wife started having complications with her pregnancy, a pregnancy that was not easy to come by. Lots of specialist Dr visits, tons of medical drugs for both of us and a bank account draining experience and complications were not what we wanted.
On January 11th I rushed home from work at 11 at night to take her to the emergency room. She was admitted right away and talk of emergency c-section started almost immediately. It turned to "Lets have you rest and we'll double check things in the morning". We were told "You will have this baby early, tomorrow or 3 months from now, we don't know but you are hospitalized until she is delivered." My wife and the baby were able to hold out for 10 more days when she gave birth to our baby girl Raelyn Mae. She was 3 months early and weighed just 2 pounds 1/2 ounce. She spent her first 3 weeks in a preemie isolette under billy ruben lights and hooked up to an oxygen mask and we were not able to even touch her for the first 3 days. She eventually was able to move from the mask to normal oxygen tubing with a cannula and we were able to hold her skin to skin for hours at a time.
She spent just over 3 months in the NICU but this last Saturday we were able to bring her home, finally. She is in fantastic health and only needs the lowest setting of oxygen for a couple of weeks.
Birthing room

There she is in all her feisty-ness

Oxygen mask and just plane small

In her isolette


Beautiful momma finally able to hold our daughter

Lots of this

My two daughters (16 years difference)

3+ months later we finally get to take her home

And the enjoyment of times like these

Baby & Momma