Critique Welcomed Beresford Bushmaster

Hamish Gill

Tech Support (and Marketing)
An excellent DAC
Stan has tasked me with taking a couple of shots .. purely on a friendly favour basis.
This is just a go in the studio ...
Going to try and think up something more imaginative for him at some point ... all fun

_DSC3748 by Hamish_Gill, on Flickr
Came out well in the end Hamish. I like the black on black. Unless that is a significant crop, I can see why you couldn't get the full plane in focus using the movement available. As an interesting exercise when you have a half hour spare (!) you could try using the movements on the MPP. Just to see what happens when you have a bigger image circle to play with.
I gave up with the 45mm decided it wasn't the look I was after ... This was with the 16-35 ... Not sure at what focal length
It is a crop though...
glad you can see why I was struggling though ... It was driving me mad (hence giving up) ;)

I shall be playing with the mpp in this sort of circumstance .. Want to find something "personal" to use the film on