bit of tree

Hamish Gill

Tech Support (and Marketing)
its been a while since i have taken my camera to anywhere green and this is what i came back with ... well something that i turned into this anyway ...

id be really interested to hear what others think

well its defo just a bit of a, Dont like the vignetting make image a to dark for my liking, and it aint very green........
not my cupa tea sorry, would have preferred a more colourful version showing the fine autumnal colours that were no doubt present.

just my opinion for what its worth

I quite like it, I think maybe the background is a tad to light for a real moody feel. Perhaps darkening the background down a little would add a little more 'feel' to it.
Nah I perpously made the background like that it's suposed to draw the eye away from th obvious yet slightly inefectual focal point in the hope you might imagine what's in the slightly mystical wood behind...
It's worked on a couple of people, Hannah, my fiancée said straight away "oooh it looks like faries live there"
I suspect it's her that influenced that part of my work, though so that's perhaps why she gets it...

Been trying to think more about what inspires me... Maybe I shouldn't? ;)