Pete Askew
While I seem to be in colour mode, here are a few shots of the fair that's currently in Potsdam. A RF is not really the ideal camera for this type of shot. You just need to choose a focus then follow an object and shoot when it looks like it might be in the right place - tricky when the ride swings both left and right while spinning! Still there were 3 out of 10 that I lied so here they are. The last is my favourite and closest to what I was trying to get but I like the serious looking driver in No. 2 and the lady in sunglasses in No. 1. In contrast to English fairs people were wandering around on the platform surrounding the ride even though it was spinning at a frantic speed.
Leica M9 / 35, 1.4 (f1:11 / 1/60s). PP in LR, PS and Nik.
Leica M9 / 35, 1.4 (f1:11 / 1/60s). PP in LR, PS and Nik.
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