Camera addiction - do you find it hard to sell the old ones ?

Mark Grant

Canon user
My wife says I am addicted to buying cameras, another arrived yesterday a used Fuji F200 EXR.....Maybe she it right... but it was a great price so I bought it :)

I cant bring myself to let any go as when I look at some of the pictures my older Fuji compacts have produced there are some great snaps and they have been on many holidays.

A night time holiday snap of ' Club Pollenca' in an almost deserted town of Pollensa in Mallorca taken in February 2009 with a Fuji F45fd, cheap as chips camera that has a 2.8 lens and large sensor :) See why I cant let it go....


Anyone else hoard cameras even though the new one is better than the old ones you have ?
When I took delivery recently of a late 80's Linhof Master Technika a colleague asked me how many cameras I had. I had to think for a few minutes before admitting I had absolutely no idea!! So I understand fully Mark. I have given the odd camera away over the years (a Fuji S2 Pro and a D700 - but I no attachment to either and positively disliked the S2!) but I can't actually ever remember selling any. Even if I have models that can, in theory, deliver superior images I still have some earlier ones. This is a bit less so with digital than film though but that's because the majority of my equipment is film-based.
Anyone else hoard cameras even though the new one is better than the old ones you have ?

One day a couple of months ago SWMBO confronted me and said I had too many cameras and I needed to get rid of some and at the very least buy no more. She went on,..."Me and Caiti (my elder daughter) counted 45 cameras!" I just smiled and batted my eye lids.

I think I have close to 100 film cameras. (I also have one digital camera.) I'm picking up another camera at lunch time today that I bought off E-bay last night. (Canon T70.)
Just to buck the trend, I have no real emotional connection to cameras, for me they are a tool ...nothing more. I am also rather unusual in the DJ world in that the records to me are just tools also, a fact that other collectors can't get their head around
I don't really have any emotional attachment to any of them (maybe my first Nikon) it just never occurs to me to sell them. I just buy more!! I do go back and use some though. I have quite a few Hasselblad bodies and I couldn't really tell you which was bought when. They tend to be either spares or set up to do specific tasks. Same with the S5 Pros and the D3x. The old film Nikons and Leicas are just there and get used as fancy takes. I guess the less logical ones are some of the LF ones. The workhorse in the UK is the Sinar S2 and in Germany it is the Cambo Legend. The MPP, Speed Graphic and now Master Technika are more difficult to justify! But they are gorgeous pieces of engineering. The field camera of choice was the Ebony but I can imagine the Technika might compete with that. My LF lenses though are an indulgence, I will admit fully. They all produce a different look but many don't get used very often. But I sleep better at night knowing they are there!! ;)
I have an emotional attachment to all my film cameras, with the exception of a few cheapo point and shoots that I picked up here or there. My Canon 7d, however, is the red-headed stepchild of my camera family.
I'm not mentally ready to discuss my collection in this thread ... I've had some very painful times recently with letting cameras go
you say that like it's a bad thing, both my daughters are red-heads :D
Are they step-children, Davie?

It occurred to me when I wrote that earlier comment that the expression (comparing something not completely loved) to a red-headed step-child may be a uniquely American thing.
Are they step-children, Davie?

It occurred to me when I wrote that earlier comment that the expression (comparing something not completely loved) to a red-headed step-child may be a uniquely American thing.

lol no their not, both mine :) they both have a half of my personality .... The 18 yr old is the hopeless romantic, The 16 yr old has in the last fortnight been charged with 2 counts of assault