Brian Moore
Used my FED 3 for the first time in a long time and developed two rolls out of it last week. Big problem! I'd used the camera before and it had produced some fine foties. Not now. Out of two rolls of 24 exposure I got 1 fotie that did not have the problem. It is the first fotie below. The following three foties are examples of the problem from least obvious to most. Every fotie on both rolls showed the problem to one degree or another except the first fotie below.
Both rolls were developed in the same can of soup. One was Ilford Delta 100 the other Fomapan 100.
I diluted the Rodinal 1:100 and used a 60 minute stand dev process.
The problem always shows up on the same side of the frame.
I'm thinking it's the camera. What do you think?
Both rolls were developed in the same can of soup. One was Ilford Delta 100 the other Fomapan 100.
I diluted the Rodinal 1:100 and used a 60 minute stand dev process.
The problem always shows up on the same side of the frame.
I'm thinking it's the camera. What do you think?