Childhood Memories...

Douglas McMann

Well-Known Member
Visited an old childhood haunt at the weekend...Letham Glen, Fife.

I realise the middle of winter is perhaps not the best time to make comparisons, but it really is looking tired and sadly neglected, compared to what I remember...or maybe it's just my failing memory and it was always tired and neglected...I don't think so ..

Fallen trees in the burn, paths eroded and untended. I remember it a vibrant place, full of colour and wildlife, but the gradual lack of funding from the local "Cooncil" as monies are drawn into the "Centre" seem to have done for it...shame...

Might need a wee bit of translation help for the Sassenachs, Vikings and Amurhicans.

Nice image, Dougie. Shame to hear about the deprivations. I think you've caught the flow of the water very nicely, in particular where it's flowing over the rocks in the foreground.
I also think you have caught the flow of the action quite nicely, also in respect to the other flow in time, lack of / neglect of maintenance and it all goes towards the centre of any commune these days. It happens here too I'm afraid Douglas.
Excellent Douglas, fully understood as a sasse and appreciated the problems with the vague childhood memories, which are often best left as memories sometimes. The angle of capture works a treat, especially with the tree leaning across.