Christmas Cactus

Douglas McMann

Well-Known Member
Well here goes with the new 200mm....:)

This cactus (one of two we have) flowers every year on the lead up to Christmas.

One is a peachy colour, the other is deep red.

Every year I promise myself I will take a photo of their blooms, and every year (until now) I have failed to do so...

The peach one is all but passed, with one last flower budding on it...the red one is just starting...

They are both situated in a north facing Bathroom (not that we have lots of bathrooms here I hasten to add), and hate being moved, even for a short time, so it was difficult setting this shot up with a lens that can only focus down to 1.5 mts....

I love that the 5D can be set at 50 ISO.

Schlumbergera by Douglas McMann, on Flickr