Yes and its content looks the same as on the box. Real promising where all you need of adjustments are at your fingertips on top. Cleverly done and today I've been out with it. I think I can settle down with this one?
To be trapped in old habbits and scared of new inventions is usually found amongst older people. Adventureous and explorative people on the other hand, see opportunities and challenges even in a new content of a box. Long live Christmas.
Well Rob, I do keep fit, as a fiddle! And thank you. Do I sense a feel for digital here? I have as you see the 27- 82 mm equivalent to ff for it and it is a marvelous lens. I have had it before, so a huge need of lenses is not predominent. I still have the Olympus 10 ll with a 28 and 90 primes as well as a 70 - 200mm equivalent to ff. So the two combined are quite good travelling companions and still a small and light package. Everything else I sold, lenses, one Pentax, one Oly etc and they paid for this package. Only a 35mm/f2 wr for the Fuji is now on my wish list, but there's no hurry! Cheers!