Couple of multiplicity shots.

Glen Roberts

Well-Known Member
As I usually do Wildlife until something or someone gives me some inspiration, here's a couple of old ones inspired by Grez .



Hey you still doing this:D This one looks like a repeat:D:D:D Not the wife that is.
Nice to see you Posting mate, look forward to some Birdy Pix

Thanks Frank. Yes these are repeats for some of you but new for other members.
There will be a few birds getting posted now and again but I'm going to try not to over do it like I used too:o.
Thanks Frank. Yes these are repeats for some of you but new for other members.
There will be a few birds getting posted now and again but I'm going to try not to over do it like I used too:o.

GO on go for it:D I certainly won't mind
