Critique Welcomed Cutie Triptych

Hamish Gill

Tech Support (and Marketing)
Taken with my recently cla'd zorki and leica summarit 1.5 and portra 160
She makes my heart melt she really does ... hope you like the set :)

a lovely sequence Hamish, of a lovely little girl :)
Hamish, your ability to capture people so well really astounds me. Obviously you have done a fair amount of wedding shoots but your photos are quite different from the "standard" wedding photo look and the subjects come across very natural.
Thanks guys, I've been away from the forum for a few days, this is a nice set of comments to come back to ...

Paul, that's very kind... There isn't any magic on my part ... I was saying this to someone the other day - if you want a natural photo of someone, don't wait for the photo you think you are hoping to take, the one before and probably the one after will be better photos! Cheers though, it's nice to hear such positive feedback :)
Missed this one.
Isn't she a heart melter!! :)
Nailed this matey. I'm still using more of my film camera than my D7000 at the moment.
That's not such a bad thing though is it?! :)
Haha, Paul, I genuinely don't think I am! :)

Cheers Dan, and no it's not a bad thing! The two film cameras I'm not using th most are both post 2000 so it's not even like I'm using voyage gear to get that kick... I just don't find digital captures my imagination as much! Even using film for work more now ... Which is really exciting!