Day 1

Tom Dinning

Well-Known Member
Good morning.
I have heard from reliable sources that those who join on line forums have no real friends. This may well be true for me. Here I am joining a forum when I vowed and declared I never would - again. Maybe I'm attracted to the 'real' title and 'real' names. We'll see.
My wife says I'm a nice person once people get to know me but most people don't have the time and patience to hang around long enough to find out how nice I can be. She (Christine) says I should apologize before I start. "For what." I ask. "Everything that is forthcoming" she warns.
So, here goes. Brace yourself. This may be a rough ride for me.
Hi Tom, love your avatar and introduction. You'll do fine here. I think one of us has a friend somewhere.

So, what kind of images to you like, camera do you use, etc, etc, digital, film, both? And such like.
Hi Rob and others.
All this attention and I haven't even been offensive yet. Gosh!
I have a few Scottish friends, Rob, well, correspondents really. I'm the sort of bloke who needs to get close enough to smell my opponents before I decide on befriending them. This internet stuff is still a bit weird for my old brain cells. Maybe we can jam one day. That should raise a sweat.
Welcome Tom. A place where we use real names. This is a pretty patient place too. Enjoy and I look forward to seeing some of your images.
I am late as usual, living so far up on the globe and things take time, therefore I have to be patient as Julian and others have been patient with me. So a very warm welcome to you Tom and may you enjoy this forum as I do.
I am late as usual, living so far up on the globe and things take time, therefore I have to be patient as Julian and others have been patient with me. So a very warm welcome to you Tom and may you enjoy this forum as I do.
I'm already in there Ivan.
How far north is north for you.? I have a friend in Iceland. That's north enough for me. I've been up that way once or twice but it's too bloody cold for my tropical bones. You know those things you call sauna? We call it daytime.
Well I originate from the northest country in the world in regard to the north pole, but fortunately we live at the lower end of the country named Norway where summer tempertures reach 32 dgrees Celcius and yes it feels like a sauna at times. Winter on the other hand various from 5 degrees plus to about 10 degrees minus. It actually is about how you dress at whichever time.:D