Day Trip To Melrose - Hexar

Rob MacKillop

Edinburgh Correspondent
A few Hex shots from yesterday. XP2. I found the lens to be too sharp at times, but it was a very sunny day. I should have used a filter, perhaps. I had to darken some of them slightly.

1. The Abbey. Pink glow from Boots' processing...grr...though part of me likes the effect, so it stays.


2. Shank's' ponies

blind pony.jpg

3. Crop. The middle one seemed badly injured. It's entire face was covered, and most of its body. The other two kept guard.

blind pony crop.jpg

4. Harmony House, owned by Historic Scotland. You can rent rooms there for a holiday.

Harmony House.jpg

5. Harmony House gardens


6. "Country Scene", as they would say in old guide books

horse gone.jpg

7. The River Tweed, which dissects much of England from Scotland (it's not wide enough!)

Tweed View.jpg

8. The Tweed Twain

Tween Twain in 2.jpg

9. White Horse waiting to pose

white horse 2.jpg

10...and posing

white horse.jpg
I need to get some pictures taken - I have hardly had a chance / inspiration of late. Off to Prague tomorrow for work . I need to work on the train but I might try and take a few blurry train window shots. I won't be in the city centre I don't suppose and so it will just be some social event shots I expect, and the usual shot at Holešovice. I'm just taking the M9 + 35mm and the Sony RX100 with me.