Rob, as these images are quite old I did print some of them back in my darkroom days. The very first one of the rotting railway items was shot at Swanwick and was originally printed onto Agfa Record Rapid back in the day. That was shot using a Hasselblad 500CM with standard 80mill. Film was TMax 100. The last one Pete (No7) was shot using 35mill. Nikon F5 but can't remember the lens however film was Adox CHS25 Art developed in Tetenal Neofin Blue.
I do miss the old darkroom days and have been considering shooting film again as I could possibly put up with the developing but not darkroom printing. Those days are over for me.
Shot No5, the old rotting tractor was shot using an Iston 54 field camera with a Schneider 150mill Apo Symmar and Ilford FP4 which was tray developed.
Rob, thank you so much for the complement. Shot No2 was again a Hasselblad image but in this one the sun position is about as good as I could ever wish for. Pure chance..!
I might be imagining it, but there seems to be a definite difference between the film and digital shots, but that might be my prejudice. It could be that the light was different, but I prefer the film shots. But, it's not an either/or situation, as we can have both, and they are all fine shots.
Totally agree with you on all of those points Rob. I very much prefer the film shots that I take to the digital ones. There is a quality to film that digital doesn't have; a kind of brute force approach to image making in the case of digital.