Dungeness 3

I disagree. I think these color shots show clearly that Dungeness is also a color place. These are great shots, Tom. I especially like #3. (What is it with your #3s at Dungeness?;)) Also Tom,...what camera, etc., did you use for these and the B&W shots?
Thank you Brian. I suppose the colour is fine too but i think the Mono makes a better effort at capturing the atmosphere of the place which is a very important part of what Dungeness is.
All shots with the Fuji XE1.
I took a lot with the Holgas too, 35mm and 122 so goodness knows what they will look like when i get the film processed and allow for some hospital time with them.:)
Amazing how little this place changes. There are images here that could have been taken 30 years ago! I know what you mean about B&W and the atmosphere of the place though. Love the faded caravan and the clumps of sea kale. So distinctive.

Really looking forward to the film shots.
Again, all good stuff. I'm left with a feeling of thinking it would have been better to see these on another day, not right after looking at the b&w ones. I think they stand on their own, but are a little disadvantaged by the unique power of the monotone shots.