Dusted Off The 150mm

Dave Green

Well-Known Member
Dusted off the macro lens today at Low Hall, Hindley. First bug shot of the year for me.

Orange tip on Cuckoo flower

Ah - ok - Bra = good - I get it :)

Hmmmm... Those kilted folk north of the border say 'Braw" for good. A connection maybe?
Ah - ok - Bra = good - I get it :)

Hmmmm... Those kilted folk north of the border say 'Braw" for good. A connection maybe?
Absolutely a connection albeit Rob shall protest. Now half the Scottish people stem from the Norsemen. A glass = et glass. A man = en Mann I could mention a lot more. More = mer. Lots in common but not the kilt albeit the Vikings had them.