Early One Morning

Lesley Jones

Otherwise know as Zooey
I really don't know what I'm doing in this section. My first ever smart phone has an absolutely rubbish camera and video. The former has such a delay that my subject has often left the room before it goes into action. I'm addicted to the video though... :)

My Dad always used a cine camera, but this is the first time I have ever played with moving images and the novelty factor with the animals is unlikely to fade. I was awake around 5.30 this morning when the kitten decided he needed "Mummy time". I was just able to reach into the bedside cabinet and get the phone. Over the next hour I took around 40 clips and at the time I jokingly thought about a short movie called Early One Morning. Having discovered the Movie Maker on the new computer this afternoon, I set about creating something and I've just finished.

It's not really supposed to be shared - I won't let anyone near me with a camera and yet I videod myself - I guess this is documentary style and somehow I'm OK with that. (I may not be in the morning though...) :D

Actually - the video is so slow to upload that I may have to post this and edit tomorrow. We're down to 14Kbps now and I need to go to bed.
Although I don't like lomo products, check out the Lomokino :)
And again... and again...

At one point it did nothing for nearly an hour. Then we checked task manager to find it was only uploading in tiny burts of 8KBps. I can't view it properly either, so I would be grateful if you could tell me if it works for you without stopping.

Early one morning!

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That was only half the cats, but we were up to 18 at one point. The most we ever had on the bed at one time was 7 or 8 :)

I'm glad the video works. I still can't view it at home without umpteen buffering stops, but it was really nice to put it back on the smart phone, edited and with the title and credits. I can feel a chicken movie coming on... :D
I think I've got mine to work now.
The thread I started looks well messy now. Lol