Event Horizon

Oh, now that's a cracker (as a certain Irish comedian might have said)! Look at the detail in the foreground. Wonderful. Fine composition too. Pretty much perfect, sir.

I spent an hour or two contemplating life by the Shannon some forty years ago. My mother had recently died (a couple of years after my father) and I decided to take off, and found myself hitchhiking around old Eire - both parents had an Irish parent. So you can imagine a 17-year old Rob, lost to the world, in deep contemplation, and somewhat confused. Now that I contemplate your picture, I feel the same! If there's a difference, it is that then I was looking for a meaning, while now I've accepted there is none. That makes me happier. So did finding a cafe in Limerick that had a sign saying, "Closed For Lunch"...

Thanks for stimulating a forgotten memory, Pete! The power of a photograph...
A classic 90's Sci-fi film! This is a calming yet active shot.