Fallen Trunk Textures

I also like the first shot most. It has some great detail in the near part of the photo and the log creates a path that takes my eye deep into the image. The log is also well separated from the stuff around it by being nice and bright.
Thanks I too think the first is the better image for the reasons both of you mention but I do love the texture in the second. I will try to shoot these again but hopfully much sharper. The second I think I will do at a slightly different angle too. I hope that if sharper the trunk will contrast better against the trees.
Interesting...when I click on the Flickr link...the trunk is even more washed out... on my screen anyway. I wonder how that is happening? :confused:
The textures on both pop out very nicely, but the first, with its mix of landscape and sky, is easier to take in. Both excellent, Paul.
Wow, very sharp and full of texture.
Couldn't ask for more. :)