FAO Other Canon 7D Users - durability test

Darren Turner

Check out Digital Revs Latest Video on "Canon 7D - Hardcore Durability Test" Making my eye water somewhat but kinda good to watch lol


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I started photography with a Canon SLR & my current cameras continue to be Canon, I don't expect any canon to survive this kind of torture but I have dropped my 5D on concrete from about 5 feet up when I decided to prop it against something where I couldn't fit a tripod & the moment I looked away I felt the shoulder strap hit me as it slid off where I had put it so I turned quickly to reach for it only to miss and see it hitting the ground, bounced off the concrete like a basketball and I caught it.

I finished the job that night and went on to shoot several thousand images with it and the lens that was on it, both still work perfectly till this day...