FAO Pete: Pinhole

Vic Shaw

Senior Member
Heres the result Pete, I'm really not keen on it. I did expect it to be soft but never like this I think the pinhole is rated around f130 and I've been emailing a few people on the web to get some data on the size and distance relationship but no one has got back to me yet. I'm really keen on taking this further but not with this pinhole maybe!


The Lensbaby is definitely sharper Vic. How long was the exposure? I was lazy today and didn't use a release or self timer and I noticed that the images were a bit sharper when I let the exposures go to 2 - 3 seconds. I suspect camera shake from teh mirror and me tripping the shutter may have had an impact on shorter exposures. I'll test rthat out tomorrow by forcing the mirrow up and delaying the exposure using the self-timer. Interesting that you are also not seeing much vignetting. My only other experience with a pinhole was on 120 film. Maybe the image circle is bigger than I expected.
this was a four second exposure, it was just resting on the wall and I was lazy also. Trouble is the Sony wont use anti shake without knowing the focal length of the lens. I will take it out when it's a tad darker to see what the effects are. But I'm sure it's possible to get sharper images (well goes without saying looking at this). Just have to keep emailing the pinhole peeps.
Theres an interesting link from that page too interesting link

I think I need to read that a couple of times to understand it a bit!!