Asiana Quinn
I took this a long time ago, but I was trying to get the rain drops to pop out... but I don't think that really worked.. But just wondering how I could get my photos of rain drops better and make the rain drops to pop. Feedback!? ^_^
I took this when I was in Moab, I was trying to lead the eye into the photo. I was wondering if there is a better way to make this photo lead your eyes better or anything like that. Feedback? ^_^
For this photo I tried getting the texture of the wood. Should I have gotten closer? Or ?? I just want to better! haha Please if possible, give me Feedback, I need it. ^_^

I took this when I was in Moab, I was trying to lead the eye into the photo. I was wondering if there is a better way to make this photo lead your eyes better or anything like that. Feedback? ^_^

For this photo I tried getting the texture of the wood. Should I have gotten closer? Or ?? I just want to better! haha Please if possible, give me Feedback, I need it. ^_^