Gary R. Smith
Well-Known Member

I have 3 new 35mm lenses that I'm planning to compare on 3 different cameras. Two of the cameras are currently loaded with Fuji 400ASA color negative film. The above is from the Sony a7R3 using a Pergear 35/1.4 lens shot at f8. The Pergear is (apparently) the cheapest full-frame prime available. One of the other lenses can also be mounted to the Sony. While the focus seems soft to me at f8, I suspect the lens will perform better with a subject further away. I just wanted to shoot the flowers Cyn got yesterday and figured that I'd start my comparison. The Nikon lens that I got is a 35/2 so it won't open as wide as the other two lenses and the Nikon is sitting around 18 exposures out of 36. So, it will be a while until I develop that. The Leica M3 is fitted with a Voigtländer 35/1.4 and it exposed it at f5.6 and f8. It also has a roll of Fuji 400ASA color negative film but these were the first 2 shots on that roll of 36.
At some point, I'll write up the comparison and have Hamish post it on 35mmc. I won't bore you with the entire sequence.