Fleeing the Chinese

Brian Moore

Grauman's Chinese Theater, that is. On Hollywood Boulevard.

Olympus XA and Kodak Ektar 100 film.

Hi Brian
Looks a busy place
Its crazy busy in there Steve. Its in there, where you see all those people, that they have the hand and foot prints of the movie stars in the cement.
How cool is that, it must have so much nostalgia there
Thanks, Pete. Yes, completely by accident that those two got in the fotie. lol. Actually I was troubled by this picture because I didn't want to shoot a portrait style shot (because I don't really like them) even though that's what I needed to get the top of the theater in, and as I was trying to conceive of a decent compo in landscape Those two started galloping across the road. So I snapped the picture as a compromise. (I shouldn't post stuff I'm not happy with.) Anyway, thanks again Pete.