Critique Welcomed Flights...

Brian Moore

Moderator Noble Ale Works in Anaheim, California.

Microbreweries are popping up all over the USA and Noble Ale Works is one I recently discovered. Their IPA is very fine indeed! A common practice is for the brewery to sell tasting "flights" that allow a patron to sample a number of beers (usually 5 or 6 varieties at a time) in small quantities before selecting one to have in a larger tumbler. At Noble they use brandy snifters as flight glassware. This particular group of 20-somethings (the primary microbrew demographic it would appear) had ordered a number of flights at the same time and the array of snifters seemed very impressive to me. I asked if they would mind me taking a picture and they graciously complied.

Olympus XA and Arista EDU 100 film processed in Rodinal.

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Very good. They obviously didn't mind your being there, and they seem very relaxed, though the alcohol might have something to with that! Fine toning too.
Yes,...alcohol makes everyone happy. o_O
Sorry Brian I have to refute that statement...
I had quite a bit of alcohol last night and my wife was not happy at all!!!:(.
A very fine shot Brian and I really like that the central character is not quite in focus. For some reason that seems to make him seem more significant and that is enhanced by his rather dream-like (i.e. half pissed) gaze.
lol. Thanks Pete. Interesting observation about the guy in the middle and focus. Much appreciated, Pete.