Critique Welcomed Floodplain

Paul Lange

These are a few from a series of photographs I took close to where I work one foggy morning. The area is a mix between a park and a flood plane. For the last few days we had floods and fog in the morning so I took half my lunch break early to get out there before the fog cleared. There are a few more on my Flickr but I think these are the best few. All taken with the Sony RX-100 and now I have a folding case for it I can hold the bloody thing properly, its tiny and I have largish hands with long fingers, not the best of mixes with a tiny camera.

_DSC1881.jpg by Paul R Lange, on Flickr


_DSC1887.jpg by Paul R Lange, on Flickr


_DSC1898.jpg by Paul R Lange, on Flickr
These are superb Paul. Love the soft monochromatic tones in the first and the contrasts and reflection in the second. The curved branch and its reflection make an interesting frame in the last shot and I like the way it contains the arch in the distance.
Thank you, very kind of you to say so. I'm hoping for more fog tomorrow. It will be a good excuse to finish the two half finished films I have. What happens if you expose film but don't develop it for a few months, anything disasterous?
Thank you, very kind of you to say so. I'm hoping for more fog tomorrow. It will be a good excuse to finish the two half finished films I have. What happens if you expose film but don't develop it for a few months, anything disasterous?

Should be fine especially if you keep it cool. Eventually the latent image will begin to propagate and colour emulsions can shift in colour balance but a couple of months will be fine.
Whoa!! This is dam good, I LOVE that last one.
Paul, I love the second and third. Especially third - The big tree is connected in the visions to the distant one as if one the master and the second - the puppet. Beautiful arch doubles. And I presume at a distance with the reflection on the lake surface throws more meaning to it. :)
These are wonderful, Paul. Can't pick between the three, although I can tell you that I saw #1 and thought "Beauty!", then saw 2 and thought "Stoater!", then saw 3 and thought "Magic!"
Thank you to everyone. I have been making efforts to work on my composition and to be much more more brutal when choosing what photos to keep. I tend to get too attached to even the bad ones sometimes and waste time trying to make them work rather than ditching them. It seems it is paying off.
The trick is to just not take them ;)
The analogue methodology - seems like a daft thing to say, but I swear blind my hit rate has gone through the roof in the last three months ... Not because I'm taking better photos, I'm just taking a lot less crap ones ... Just coz xp2 was costing me so much!

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... Or maybe I am just happier with more photos ... ... Dunno ... I'll shh now!
I got the camera by the way. I'm hoping to start using more film again so taking crap shots will work out expensive. This will probably just see me standing in front of things wondering whether to photograph them or not though!