Flying Trio

Brian Moore

Attended a dance performance at Huntington Beach High School's Academy for the Performing Arts on Friday evening. My younger daughter--Meg--was in two dances. Meg's not in this fotie, but I liked this fotie anyway. The little girl in the middle is a friend of Meg's and a very fine dancer.

I was shooting between two big-heeded people with my 7D.

Lovely Brian. Nice sense of movement and I especially like the rather wistful expression of the young lady on the left. And the occluded view due to the 'big heads' adds to the slightly off-beat look to the dancers I think. I do like your stage photography Brian. You have a real eye for it and great timing.
Lovely Brian. Nice sense of movement and I especially like the rather wistful expression of the young lady on the left. And the occluded view due to the 'big heads' adds to the slightly off-beat look to the dancers I think. I do like your stage photography Brian. You have a real eye for it and great timing.
Thanks very much, Pete. Luck and Miss Sarah also contribute. Funny, although I photographed two of Meg's dances that night, I was mentioning to my wife yesterday that I have no recollection of the dances per se. There is no fluidity whatever in my memory, as I only recall them as snapshot moments.
That's interesting Brian. I tend to view and recall things differently and images remind me of what came before and after. Maybe that is why I am always so engaged by cinema. With some images I consciously set out to mislead the viewer about either what was happening or is about to happen. But of course for that to work, one needs to view them with a similar perspective to me. I hadn't considered that some people don't. In fact even when I think of literature certain works stand out for me because of their 'cinematic' qualities; I guess the best example of this that I can think of is Titus Groan and Gormenghast by Mervyn Peake. Does that make any sense?
Makes perfect sense, Pete. Indeed, I think normally I would have a similar mnemonic result as your own before/after. And in fact, I think I would have a better sense of the dance had I been shooting film. However, I find shooting digital a distraction, since I haven't yet mastered the art of refraining from a peek at each image post-capture. I need to learn how to shoot with the 7D yet.
Excellent shot, Brian. Makes me doubly sad that we are not allowed to take photos at my daughter's school. They have an official photographer and video of such events. Sad. Not that I could imagine taking a shot as good as that one. Really excellent.
Thanks very much, Rob. On the big stage (this one was a small stage production) I wouldn't be able to take pictures for the same reason. On this one, though, they didn't mind you taking shots as long as you didn't use flash. Anyway, thanks again Rob.
How about telling them you are doing a course and asking if you could take some pictures from the sidelines or something. You might well find that the official photographer is quite accommodating.
Not sure if you're addressing me with that suggestion, Pete, or Rob or both of us. Anyway, thanks for the idea. I've toyed with the notion of putting together some of my backstage, side stage and front stage shots with the purpose being to create a portfolio and maybe get someone to let me shoot images at one of the local stage performances. Just haven't got around to it. (Spending too much time on RPF!;) is one reason.) Having said that, the official videographer for the show I went to the other night is a good friend. I'm sure I'd have an invitation at some point along the way if I just broached the subject.
I must say its great to see someone taking on stage photography Brian so kudos to you.

If you wasn't so far away I'd suggest we meet up to nail a local stage show be it music, dance or theatre.

Thanks for sharing.