Critique Welcomed Fog at home

Can't answer you there Pete, but I went back to the original raw in DNG, went through the raw converter, did my parameters as usual and uploaded it into photoshop. There I did curves, shadows/highlights, brightness/contrast and unsharp mask, saved it in Tiff. No problem. So here is my new take on a jpeg from this last tiff and this should be fine I gather. The sky should be darkened a bit, but...
No more halos. I suspect the sharpener is the cause.
why are your original raw files in .dng format? fuji saves as a .raf. which raw converter are you using? try using less software. instead of converting to a .dng then raw converter then photoshop and then saving as a tif and then as a jpg try cutting it down to two pieces of software. get a raw converter that can handle the fuj files and then do as much work as possible in the raw converter before exporting as a .jpg to finish up. my workflow is adobe lightroom, exported as a .jpg, then into photoshop for minor edits, resize and watermark for the internet.
Well Beth, it takes time to teach and old dog etc.. Since I am used to operate in photoshop, I have been under the notion that I have to convert my RAF to DNG unless I use as you point out a Lightroom edition. ( My photoshop is of a younger edition.) Soconvert the raf by means of Adobes DNG converter. After the parameters in DNG are set I open them up in Photoshop. The tiff is only a format I store them in for eventual printing. If any of them goes into our forum, they are resized and laid to rest in Jpegs. But maybe I should purchase a new Lightroom and get familiar with that. Thanks for pointing me in the right direction:D